6月 7, 2021


作者 CCIOSG admin



因为加拿大政府没有严格要求新移民的最终归属地,即使选择的是魁北克移民,移民成功后可在加拿大任何地方定居;语言的独立性及历史地位的特殊性决定了魁省的高度自治,因此,魁北克技术移民的申请条件完全是魁省政府根据当地的实际需求和发展需要而定的,不受联邦政府任何制约,当然绿卡发放,最终还是要由联邦政府批准,魁省只有甄选权,称为CSQ Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec selection certificate)-魁北克移民甄选证书。


  1. 魁北克常规技术移民 Regular selection program for skilled workers
  2. 魁北克经验类移民 Québec experience program – PEQ
    1. PEQ留学生类别 PEQ – Québec graduate
    2. PEQ临时外国技术工类别 PEQ – Skilled temporary foreign worker

魁北克常规技术移民Regular selection program for skilled workers,是以打分制为基础,通过综合衡量申请人学历、教育背景、年龄、工作经验、语言能力与魁北克的联系等因素,对过线的申请人采取定向邀请的移民项目。要求申请人有一定的语言能力及学历,且目前所从事的职业及专长是魁北克就业市场所需要的,即可以有资格申请。

根据现行的政策,魁北克移民局每月最少定向邀请一次。被邀请的申请人至少具有一个特质:有法语中级水平或是持有魁北克移民局承认的雇主合同 即Validated Job Offer.

仿照联邦的制度,魁省也推出了自己的意愿表达系统 EOI池子,以下是现行的打分标准:

EOI评分标准(2018-08-02最新版) 总分 单人:103/家庭120

学历及专业(Education level and Areas of training最少要拿到2分最高26分
普通高中(Secondaire général)2
职业高中(Secondaire professionnel)6
2年普通大专(Postsecondaire général 2 ans)4
1年或2年技术类大专(Postsecondaire technique 1 an ou 2 ans)6
3年制技术大专(Postsecondaire technique 3 ans)8
 一年全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 1 an)4
 二年全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 2 ans)6
三年及以上全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 3 ans ou+)10
一年以上硕士(Universitaire 2 ième cycle 1 an ou +)12
博士(Universitaire 3 ième cycle)14
专业  Areas of training0,2,6,9 或 12 ,满分12
工作(Experience )最高8分
少于6个月(Less than 6 months)0
6-11个月(6 to 11 months)4
12-23个月(12 to 23 months)4
24-35个月(24 to 35 months)6
36-47个月(36 to 47 months)6
48个月及以上(48 months or over)8
18 -35 岁16
36 岁14
37 岁12
38 岁10
39 岁8
40 岁6
41 岁4
42 岁2
语言(Language proficiency)最高22分
法语-听0,5,6,7 (B1、B2、C1、C2)
 魁北克停留(Stay in Quebec)最高5分
读DEP和AEC课程900学时以上,1800小时以下同时在魁北克有半年以上对口工作 for studies leading to avocational training diploma(DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attestingto a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined withfull-time work experience in Québec, related to the field oftraining, for a period of at least 6 months following the programof studies5
读DEP或AEC 1800学时以上,DEC及其他高级课程 for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma5
持1年以上工作签证至少全职工作半年 to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months or more5
其他停留三个月以上 Autres séjours 3 mois ou +2
其他停留2周 Other stay for a duration equivalent to at least 2 weeks1
专门读书一学期 to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity0
专门读书二学期 to study for at least 2 regularfull-time semesters if study is the main activity0
工作3个月 to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity0
工作6个月 to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity0
青年交换项目工作3个月 in the context of a youth exchange program to which aninternational agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months0
青年交换项目工作6个月 in the context of a youth exchange program to which aninternational agreemententered into by Québec orCanada, if work is the mainactivity for at least 6 months0
1周商务 for business for at least 1 week0
 魁北克亲属 最高3分
配偶,兄弟姐妹,父母,祖父母 Cjt, pr, mr, fr, sr, fils, fille, gp, gm3
Factor 6. 配偶(Characteristics of the accompanying spouse or de facto spouse)最高分17分
教育级别 Education Level 最高4分
(a) 普通高中 secondary school general diploma1
(b) 职业高中 secondary school vocational diploma2
(c) 2年制普通大专 postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies1
(d) 1或2年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies2
(f) 3年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies3
(g) 1年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies1
(h) 2年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies2
(i) 3年以上本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies3
(j) 1年以上全日制硕士 master’s degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies4
(k) 博士 doctorate4
受训领域 Areas of training 最高4分
Domaine de formation0,1,2,3,4
18 – 35 岁3
36 – 39 岁2
40 – 42 岁1
43 岁及以上0
语言能力(Language Proficiency )最高6分
(a) 法语听0,2,3
(b) 法语说0,2,3
有效工作offer(Validated employment offer)最高14分
蒙特利尔大都市地区有效工作 Offre d’emploi validée dans la RMM8
蒙特利尔以外地区有效工作 Offre d’emploi validée à l’extérieur de la RMM最高14分
a. Abitibi-Témiscamingue13
b. Bas-Saint-Laurent12
c. Capitale-Nationale14
d. Centre-du-Québec13
e. Chaudière-Appalaches14
f. Côte-Nord12
g. Estrie13
h. Gaspésie10
i. Lanaudière13
j. Laurentides12
k. Mauricie12
l. Montérégie14
m. Nord-du-Québec12
n. Outaouais13
o. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean12
初审分(单身/已婚)43 / 52
子女 ENFANTS最高8分
8.1 12岁及以下 for each child 12 years of age or younger4
8.2 13-21 岁2
Factor 9. 财政自足能力Maximum = 1
CSQ 通过分 单身/已婚50/59


  • 学历上,本科10分,硕士12,博士14,专业主申请人最高12,因此学历和专业加分最多可以达到26分。学历和受训(专业)是单独加分的,如果你博士学历,同时本科加12分受训,那么就是学历按博士加最高的14分,受训按本科专业加12分。
  • 魁北克技术移民对年龄要求比较宽松,18-35周岁都是满分16分,随后每增加一岁减2分,43岁之后年龄就没有分了,魁北克更看重35周岁之内对申请人;
  • 语言评分里,法语最高16分,听说占分最高单项最高7分,共14分,读写最多加2分,B2之上才加分。同时配偶也有最多6分的法语加分,法语好的申请人最多可以比其他申请人多22分;英语只承认雅思 A或G类都可以
  • 有效工作合同VJO(Validated Job Offer)对雇主和雇员有相应的要求:
    • 对于雇主的要求:
      • 在魁北克经营企业12个月以上;
      • 提供的工作职业类别属于NOC 0、A、B和C类,不可以是D类;
      • 能够证明雇主已在当地进行过招聘努力,但无法招聘到当地工人来填补职业空缺;
      • 确保一年之内不得招聘当地工人从事该职位工作;
      • 所提供的工作是合法的,雇佣行为不会受到劳资纠纷的影响;
      • 所提供的薪资必须符合魁北克当地的工资标准;
      • 雇主需向外籍工人提供书面的工作offer;
    • 对于雇员的要求:
      • 雇员需在甄选过程中证明自身符合所提供的职位要求,并且在国家职业分类的意义范围内满足进入该行业的条件;
      • 如果职业为魁北克监管职业,需持有监管机构签发的资格证书或许可;
      • 雇员需书面承诺一旦获得加拿大永居身份立即开始从事该工作;
      • 满足魁北克技术移民评分标准的各项要求,包括教育水平、受训领域、工作经验和法语知识等。


魁北克境外学历受训分数分为Section A, B, C, D, E五类,D类下没有对应受训专业。




  • DOC:Doctorate 博士
  • MAI:Maîtrise 硕士
  • BAC:Bachelor 本科
  • DEC:Diplôme d’études collégiales 专科(英语DCS:Diploma in College Studies)
  • AEC:attestation d’études collégiales 一般指1年的技术院校培训项目,主要针对成人技术培训 (英语 ACS:Attestation of College Studies)
  • DEP:diplôme d’études professionnelles 职业培训文凭,完整的职业教育培训,600-1800课时(英语DVS: Diploma in Vocational Studies)
  • ASP: Attestation de spécialisation professionnelle 职业培训,属于短期的职业学习证明,300-1185小时 (英语 AVS:Attestation of Vocational Specialization)
Part I Foreign Qualifications Section A University Level魁北克境外学历 大学水平 – 主申12,副申4 
Other health professions (DOC)其他卫生专业(DOC)主申12副申4
Chiropractic (DOC)脊椎按摩疗法(DOC)主申12副申4
Computer Engineering and Computer Construction (BAC)计算机工程与计算机构造(BAC)主申12副申4
Management Information (BAC)信息管理(BAC)主申12副申4
Psychoeducation (MAI)心理教育(MAI)主申12副申4
Operational Research (MAI)运筹学(MAI)主申12副申4
Technical college level技术学院水平 
Visual Orthotic Techniques (DEC)视觉矫正技术(DEC)主申12副申4
Early Childhood Education Techniques (DEC)幼儿教育技术(DEC)主申12副申4
Medical Electrophysiology Techniques (DEC)医学电生理技术(DEC)主申12副申4
Denturology Techniques (DEC)牙科学技术(DEC)主申12副申4
Computer Technology (DEC)计算机技术(DEC)主申12副申4
Animal health techniques (DEC)动物健康技术(DEC)主申12副申4
secondary professional level中等职业水平 
Retail Boucherie (DEP)零售Boucherie(DEP)主申12副申4
Field crops (DEP)大田作物(DEP)主申12副申4
Agricultural mechanics (DEP)农业力学(DEP)主申12副申4
Elevator Mechanics (DEP)电梯机械(DEP)主申12副申4
Mechanics of Construction Equipment (DEP)施工设备力学(DEP)主申12副申4
Maple production (DEP)枫木生产(DEP)主申12副申4
Animal Production (DEP)动物生产(DEP)主申12副申4
Section B University level大学水平 – 主申9分,副申3分 
Actuarial Science (BAC)精算科学(BAC)主申9副申3
Architecture (MAI)建筑学(MAI)主申9副申3
Landscape Architecture (BAC)景观建筑学(BAC)主申9副申3
Urban Architecture and Development (MAI)城市建筑与发展(MAI)主申9副申3
Cooperation (MAI)合作(MAI)主申9副申3
Criminology (BAC)犯罪学(BAC)主申9副申3
Occupational Therapy (MAI)职业治疗(MAI)主申9副申3
Ethnology and ethnography (MAI)民族学与人种学(MAI)主申9副申3
Pre-school and primary teacher training (BAC)学前教育和小学教师培训(BAC)主申9副申3
Personnel Management (BAC)人事管理(BAC)主申9副申3
Agricultural Engineering and Rural Engineering (BAC)农业工程与农村工程(BAC)主申9副申3
Agroforestry Engineering (MAI)农林业工程(MAI)主申9副申3
Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (BAC)航空航天,航空航天工程(BAC)主申9副申3
Industrial and Administrative Engineering (BAC)工业和行政工程(BAC)主申9副申3
Mechanical Engineering (BAC)机械工程学(BAC)主申9副申3
Nuclear Engineering (MAI)核工程(MAI)主申9副申3
Physical Engineering (BAC)物理工程学(BAC)主申9副申3
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering (BAC)电气,电子和通信工程(BAC)主申9副申3
Marketing and Purchasing (BAC)市场营销与采购(BAC)主申9副申3
Mathematics (BAC)数学(BAC)主申9副申3
Applied Mathematics (BAC)应用数学(BAC)主申9副申3
Optometry (DOC)验光(DOC)主申9副申3
Banking and Finance (BAC)银行与金融(BAC)主申9副申3
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (BAC)言语病理学和听力学(BAC)主申9副申3
Speech and Audiology (MAI)言语和听力学(MAI)主申9副申3
Physiotherapy (MAI)物理疗法(MAI)主申9副申3
Probability and Statistics (BAC)概率统计(BAC)主申9副申3
Psychoeducation (BAC)心理教育(BAC)主申9副申3
Industrial Relations (BAC)劳资关系(BAC)主申9副申3
Community Health and Epidemiology (MAI)社区卫生与流行病学(MAI)主申9副申3
Computer Science (BAC)计算机科学(BAC)主申9副申3
Domestic Science (BAC)国内科学(BAC)主申9副申3
Nursing and nursing sciences (BAC)护理与护理科学(BAC)主申9副申3
Physical Sciences (BAC)物理科学(BAC)主申9副申3
Social Service (BAC)社会服务(BAC)主申9副申3
Sexology (BAC)性学(BAC)主申9副申3
Rural and Agricultural Economy (BAC)农村和农业经济(BAC)主申9副申3
Energy (MAI)能源(MAI)主申9副申3
Technical college level技术学院水平 
Acupuncture (DEC)针灸(DEC)主申9副申3
Water Sanitation (DEC)水卫生(DEC)主申9副申3
Environment, health and safety at work (DEC)工作环境,健康与安全(DEC)主申9副申3
Management of a catering establishment (AEC)餐饮机构的管理(AEC)主申9副申3
Management of a restaurant establishment (DEC)餐厅设施的管理(DEC)主申9副申3
Farm Business Management and Technologies (AEC)农场业务管理和技术(AEC)主申9副申3
Farm Business Management and Technologies (CED)农场业务管理和技术(CED)主申9副申3
Nursing (DEC)护理(DEC)主申9副申3
Avionics Techniques (AEC)航空电子技术(AEC)主申9副申3
Avionics Techniques (DEC)航空电子技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Dental Hygiene Techniques (DEC)口腔卫生技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Multimedia Integration Techniques (DEC)多媒体集成技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Orthotic and Prosthetic Orthopedic Techniques (DEC)矫形和修复假体技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Special Education Techniques (DEC)特殊教育技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Early childhood education techniques (AEC)幼儿教育技术(AEC)主申9副申3
Hotel Management Techniques (DEC)酒店管理技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Aerospace Engineering Techniques (DEC)航空航天工程技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DEC)机械工程技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Marine Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DEC)船舶机械工程技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Techniques of the plastics industry (DEC)塑料工业技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Aircraft Piloting Techniques (DEC)飞机驾驶技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Furniture and cabinetmaking techniques (DEC)家具和橱柜制作技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Building Mechanical Technology (DEC)建筑机械技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Nuclear Medicine Technology (DEC)核医学技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Radiation Oncology Technology (DEC)放射肿瘤学技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Radiodiagnostic Technology (DEC)放射诊断技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Computer Systems Technology (DEC)计算机系统技术(DEC)主申9副申3
Metallurgical Engineering Technology (DEC)冶金工程技术(DEC)主申9副申3
secondary professional level中等职业水平 
Technical Assistance in Pharmacy (DEP)药学技术援助(DEP)主申9副申3
Personal Assistance at Home (DEP)家庭个人援助(DEP)主申9副申3
Boilerwork (DEP)锅炉(DEP)主申9副申3
Conducting water treatment processes (DEP)进行水处理工艺(DEP)主申9副申3
Kitchen (DEP)厨房(DEP)主申9副申3
Drilling and Blasting (DEP)钻孔与爆破(DEP)主申9副申3
Installation and manufacture of glass products (DEP)玻璃产品的安装和制造(DEP)主申9副申3
Installation and repair of telecommunication equipment (DEP)电信设备的安装和维修(DEP)主申9副申3
Mechanics of Stationary Machines (DEP)固定机械力学(DEP)主申9副申3
Mechanics of heavy road vehicles (DEP)重型公路车辆力学(DEP)主申9副申3
Flight Regulation (DEP)飞行规则(DEP)主申9副申3
Machining techniques (DEP)加工技术(DEP)主申9副申3
Electromechanical Automated Systems (DEP)机电自动化系统(DEP)主申9副申3
Section C University Level大学水平 – 主申6分, 副申2分 
Business Administration (BAC)工商管理(BAC)主申6副申2
International Business (BAC)国际商务(BAC)主申6副申2
Agriculture (BAC)农业(BAC)主申6副申2
Social or community animation (BAC)社交或社区动画(BAC)主申6副申2
Anthropology (BAC)人类学(BAC)主申6副申2
Architecture (BAC)建筑学(BAC)主申6副申2
Graphic Arts (Graphic Communications) (BAC)印刷艺术(图形传播)(BAC)主申6副申2
Visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture) (BAC)视觉艺术(绘画,绘画,雕塑)(BAC)主申6副申2
Library and Archives Management (MAI)图书馆和档案馆管理(MAI)主申6副申2
Chemistry (BAC)化学(BAC)主申6副申2
Communications and Journalism (BAC)传播与新闻(BAC)主申6副申2
Accounting and Accounting (BAC)会计与会计(BAC)主申6副申2
Didactics (art of teaching) (MAI)教学法(教学艺术)(MAI)主申6副申2
Demographics (MAI)人口统计学(MAI)主申6副申2
Environment (environmental quality and pollution) (BAC)环境(环境质量和污染)(BAC)主申6副申2
Occupational Therapy (BAC)职业治疗(BAC)主申6副申2
Preschool Teacher Education (BAC)幼儿教师培训(BAC)主申6副申2
Secondary Teacher Education (BAC)中学教师培训(BAC)主申6副申2
Specialist teacher training at the elementary and secondary levels (BAC)中小学专业教师培训(BAC)主申6副申2
Specialist teacher training in special education (orthopedagogy) (BAC)特殊教育(整形外科)专业教师培训(BAC)主申6副申2
French, in general and mother tongue (BAC)法语,一般和母语(BAC)主申6副申2
Health Services Management (MAI)卫生服务管理(MAI)主申6副申2
Business Management and Administration (BAC)商业管理与行政(BAC)主申6副申2
Food Engineering (BAC)食品工程(BAC)主申6副申2
Biological and Biomedical Engineering (BAC)生物与生物医学工程(BAC)主申6副申2
Civil Engineering, Construction and Transportation (BAC)土木工程,建筑和运输(BAC)主申6副申2
Pulp and Paper Engineering (MAI)制浆造纸工程(MAI)主申6副申2
Geological Engineering (BAC)地质工程学(BAC)主申6副申2
Mining Engineering (BAC)采矿工程(BAC)主申6副申2
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (BAC)冶金与材料工程(BAC)主申6副申2
Genetics (MAY)遗传学(MAY)主申6副申2
Geology (mineralogy, etc.) (BAC)地质学(矿物学等)(BAC)主申6副申2
Hydrology and water sciences (MAI)水文学与水科学(MAI)主申6副申2
Engineering (BAC)工程(BAC)主申6副申2
French and English languages and literatures (BAC)法语和英语语言文学(BAC)主申6副申2
Experimental Medicine and Surgery (MAI)实验医学与外科(MAI)主申6副申2
Oceanography (MAI)海洋学(MAI)主申6副申2
Philosophy (BAC)哲学(BAC)主申6副申2
Photography (BAC)摄影(BAC)主申6副申2
Physical therapy (BAC)物理疗法(BAC)主申6副申2
Psychology (BAC)心理学(BAC)主申6副申2
Psychology (DOC)心理学(DOC)主申6副申2
Psychology (MAI)心理学(MAI)主申6副申2
University Pedagogy (MAI)大学教学法(MAI)主申6副申2
Natural Resources (BAC)自然资源(BAC)主申6副申2
Recreation (BAC)娱乐(BAC)主申6副申2
Physical Activity Sciences (BAC)体育活动科学(BAC)主申6副申2
Basic and Applied Health Sciences (BAC)基础与应用健康科学(BAC)主申6副申2
Political Science (BAC)政治学(BAC)主申6副申2
Sociology (BAC)社会学(BAC)主申6副申2
Translation (BAC)翻译(BAC)主申6副申2
Urban Planning (BAC)城市规划(BAC)主申6副申2
Geopolitical Studies (BAC)地缘政治研究(BAC)主申6副申2
Technical college level技术学院水平 
Water Sanitation (AEC)水卫生(AEC)主申6副申2
Hearing Aid (DEC)助听器(DEC)主申6副申2
Insurance and Financial Services Advisory (DEC)保险和金融服务咨询(DEC)主申6副申2
Environment, health and safety at work (AEC)工作环境,健康与安全(AEC)主申6副申2
Project Management in Graphic Communications (DEC)图形通信项目管理(DEC)主申6副申2
Navigation (DEC)导航(DEC)主申6副申2
Landscape and Marketing in Ornamental Horticulture (DEC)观赏园艺的设计与营销(DEC)主申6副申2
Respiratory Therapy Techniques (DEC)呼吸治疗技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Crime Intervention Techniques (ACS)犯罪干预技术(ACS)主申6副申2
Crime Intervention Techniques (DEC)犯罪干预技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Recreation Intervention Techniques (DEC)娱乐干预技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Multimedia Integration Techniques (AEC)多媒体集成技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Special Education Techniques (AEC)特殊教育技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Office automation techniques (AEC)办公自动化技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Office automation techniques (DEC)办公自动化技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Dietetic Techniques (DEC)饮食技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Hotel Management Techniques (AEC)酒店管理技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Aerospace Engineering Techniques (AEC)航空航天工程技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Chemical Engineering Techniques (DEC)化学工程技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Mechanical Engineering Techniques (AEC)机械工程技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Computer Technology (AEC)计算机技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Aircraft Maintenance Techniques (AEC)飞机维修技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Aircraft Maintenance Techniques (DEC)飞机维修技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Chemical Process Techniques (DEC)化学工艺技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Social Research Techniques (DEC)社会研究技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Thanatology techniques (AEC)病理学技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Thanatology Techniques (DEC)病理学技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Tourism Techniques (DEC)旅游技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Composite Material Processing Techniques (AEC)复合材料加工技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Composite Material Processing Techniques (DEC)复合材料加工技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Furniture and Cabinetmaking Techniques (AEC)家具和橱柜制造技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Legal Techniques (DEC)法律技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Equine Techniques (DEC)马术(DEC)主申6副申2
Architectural Technology (AEC)建筑技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Architecture Technology (DEC)建筑技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Electronics Technology (AEC)电子技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Electronic Technology (DEC)电子技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Industrial Electronics Technology (DEC)工业电子技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Geomatics Technology (AEC)测绘技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Geomatics Technology (DEC)测绘技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Pharmaceutical Production Technology (DEC)制药生产技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Industrial Maintenance Technology (DEC)工业维护技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Food Process and Quality Technology (AEC)食品加工与质量技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Food Process and Quality Technology (DEC)食品加工与质量技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Animal Production Technology (DEC)动物生产技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Agromechanical Engineering Technology (DEC)农业机械工程技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Civil Engineering Technology (DEC)土木工程技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Industrial Engineering Technology (AEC)工业工程技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Industrial Engineering Technology (DEC)工业工程技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Metallurgical Engineering Technology (AEC)冶金工程技术(AEC)主申6副申2
Physical Engineering Technology (DEC)物理工程技术(DEC)主申6副申2
Mineral Technology (DEC)矿物技术(DEC)主申6副申2
secondary professional level中等职业水平 
Thermal insulation (DEP)隔热(DEP)主申6副申2
Bodywork (DEP)车身(DEP)主申6副申2
Carpentry-joinery (DEP)木工细木工(DEP)主申6副申2
Hairdressing (DEP)美发(DEP)主申6副申2
Driving and adjusting molding machines (DEP)驱动和调整成型机(DEP)主申6副申2
Advice and sale of motorized equipment parts (DEP)电动设备零件的咨询和销售(DEP)主申6副申2
Travel consulting and sales (DEP)旅游咨询和销售(DEP)主申6副申2
Technical Consulting in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (DEP)车辆维修保养技术咨询(DEP)主申6副申2
Building Drawing (DEP)建筑图纸(DEP)主申6副申2
Industrial Drawing (DEP)工业制图(DEP)主申6副申2
Aesthetics (DEP)美学(DEP)主申6副申2
Mold making (ASP)模具制造(ASP)主申6副申2
Sheet metal work (DEP)钣金加工(DEP)主申6副申2
Foundry (DEP)铸造(DEP)主申6副申2
Installation of coating flooring (DEP)涂层地板安装(DEP)主申6副申2
Installation and maintenance of security systems (DEP)安全系统的安装和维护(DEP)主申6副申2
Punching (ASP)冲孔(ASP)主申6副申2
Implementation of composite materials (DEP)复合材料的实施(DEP)主申6副申2
Modeling (DEP)建模(DEP)主申6副申2
Cable and Circuit Assembly (DEP)电缆和电路组件(DEP)主申6副申2
Aerospace Structural Assembly (DEP)航空航天结构组装(DEP)主申6副申2
Aerospace Mechanical Assembly (DEP)航空机械组装(DEP)主申6副申2
Automotive Mechanics (DEP)汽车机械(DEP)主申6副申2
Mechanics of fire protection (DEP)防火机械(DEP)主申6副申2
Mechanics of light vehicles (DEP)轻型车辆力学(DEP)主申6副申2
Industrial Mechanics of Construction and Maintenance (DEP)建筑与维护工业力学(DEP)主申6副申2
Operation of production equipment (DEP)生产设备操作(DEP)主申6副申2
Tooling (ASP)工具(ASP)主申6副申2
Building painting (DEP)建筑绘画(DEP)主申6副申2
Plumbing and Heating (DEP)水暖工程(DEP)主申6副申2
Concrete Preparation and Finishing (DEP)混凝土的准备和整理(DEP)主申6副申2
Pastry (DEP)糕点(DEP)主申6副申2
Refrigeration (DEP)制冷(DEP)主申6副申2
Health, Assistance and Nursing (DEP)卫生,援助和护理(DEP)主申6副申2
Restaurant Service (DEP)餐饮服务(DEP)主申6副申2
Welding-assembly (DEP)焊接组件(DEP)主申6副申2
Computer Support (DEP)计算机支持(DEP)主申6副申2
Sales consulting (DEP)销售咨询(DEP)主申6副申2
Cabinetmaking (DEP)橱柜制作(DEP)主申6副申2
Section E University Level大学水平 – 主副申0分 
Public Administration (BAC)公共管理(BAC)0分
School Administration (MAI)学校行政管理(MAI)0分
English, in general and mother tongue (BAC)通用英语和母语(BAC)0分
Dramatic Art (BAC)戏剧艺术(BAC)0分
Fine Arts and Applied Arts (BAC)美术和应用艺术(BAC)0分
Biochemistry (BAC)生物化学(BAC)0分
Biophysics (BAC)生物物理学(BAC)0分
Cinematography (BAC)摄影(BAC)0分
Applied Design (Ceramics, Weaving, Goldsmith, Decor) (BAC)应用设计(陶瓷,编织,银器,装饰)(BAC)0分
Environmental Design (BAC)环境设计(BAC)0分
Industrial Design (BAC)工业设计(BAC)0分
Dietetics and nutrition (BAC)营养学与营养学(BAC)0分
Law (BAC)法律(BAC)0分
College Teacher Training (MAI)大学教师培训(MAI)0分
Teacher Training for Secondary and College Vocational Education (BAC)中学和大学职业教育的教师培训(BAC)0分
French as a second language (BAC)法语为第二语言(BAC)0分
Production Management (BAC)生产管理(BAC)0分
Chemical Engineering (BAC)化学工程(BAC)0分
Forest Engineering, Forestry and Wood Science (Forestry) (BAC)林业工程,林业与木材科学(林业)(BAC)0分
Geodesy (Land Survey) (BAC)大地测量(土地测量)(BAC)0分
Geography (BAC)地理(BAC)0分
History (BAC)历史(BAC)0分
History of Art (BAC)艺术史(BAC)0分
Greco-Latin Humanities and Classical Archeology (BAC)希腊拉丁文人文与古典考古学(BAC)0分
Modern languages and literatures other than English and French (BAC)除英语和法语以外的现代语言和文学(BAC)0分
Linguistics (phonetics, semantics, philology) (BAC)语言学(语音学,语义学,语言学)(BAC)0分
Comparative Literature (MAI)比较文学(MAI)0分
Microbiology (BAC)微生物学(BAC)0分
Expressive Movement, Dance, Mime, Rhythm (BAC)表情动作,舞蹈,哑剧,节奏(BAC)0分
Music (BAC)音乐(BAC)0分
Medicine (DOC)医学(DOC)0分
Dental Medicine (DOC)牙科医学(DOC)0分
Veterinary Medicine (DOC)兽医学(DOC)0分
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (BAC)气象与大气科学(BAC)0分
Orientation, School and Professional Information (BAC)迎新,学校和专业信息(BAC)0分
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (BAC)药学与制药科学(BAC)0分
Plant science (MAI)植物科学(MAI)0分
Pedology, soil management and conservation (MAI)土壤学,土壤管理与保护(MAI)0分
Perineality (BAC)围产期(BAC)0分
Biological Sciences (BAC)生物科学(BAC)0分
Earth Sciences (BAC)地球科学(BAC)0分
Food Science and Technology (BAC)食品科学与技术(BAC)0分
Religious Sciences (BAC)宗教科学(BAC)0分
Social Sciences (BAC)社会科学(BAC)0分
Zoology (MAI)动物学(MAI)0分
Animal Science (MAI)动物科学(MAI)0分
Economic (BAC)经济(BAC)0分
Adult Education and Continuing Education (MAI)成人教育和继续教育(MAI)0分
Urban Studies (BAC)城市研究(BAC)0分
Technical college level技术学院水平 
Medical Records (AEC)医疗记录(AEC)0分
Medical Records (DEC)医疗记录(DEC)0分
Circus Arts (DEC)马戏艺术(DEC)0分
Fashion Marketing (AEC)时装营销(AEC)0分
Fashion Marketing (DEC)时装营销(DEC)0分
Insurance and Financial Services Advisory (FAC)保险和金融服务咨询(FAC)0分
Dance-Interpretation (DEC)舞蹈解读(DEC)0分
Fashion Design (AEC)时装设计(AEC)0分
Fashion Design (DEC)时装设计(DEC)0分
Cartoon (DEC)卡通(DEC)0分
Business Management (AEC)商业管理(AEC)0分
Business Management (DEC)商业管理(DEC)0分
Clothing Production Management (DEC)服装生产管理(DEC)0分
Graphics (AEC)图形(AEC)0分
Graphics (DEC)图形(DEC)0分
Infomedia in premedia (DEC)印前媒体信息图(DEC)0分
Theatrical Interpretation (DEC)戏剧解读(DEC)0分
Photography (DEC)摄影(DEC)0分
Nursing Care (AEC)护理(AEC)0分
Prehospital Emergency Care (DEC)院前急救(DEC)0分
Hunting and Fishing Management Techniques (DEC)狩猎和捕鱼管理技术(DEC)0分
Planning and Urbanism Techniques (DEC)规划与城市化技术(DEC)0分
3D Animation and Image Synthesis Techniques (AEC)3D动画和图像合成技术(AEC)0分
3D Animation and Image Synthesis Techniques (DEC)3D动画和图像合成技术(DEC)0分
Aquaculture Techniques (DEC)水产养殖技术(DEC)0分
Bioecology Techniques (AEC)生物生态学技术(AEC)0分
Bioecology Techniques (DEC)生物生态学技术(DEC)0分
Communication Skills in the Media (AEC)媒体传播技术(AEC)0分
Communication Skills in the Media (DEC)媒体传播技术(DEC)0分
Accounting and Management Techniques (AEC)会计和管理技术(AEC)0分
Accounting and Management Techniques (DEC)会计和管理技术(DEC)0分
Interior Design Techniques (AEC)室内设计技术(AEC)0分
Interior Design Techniques (DEC)室内设计技术(DEC)0分
Presentation Design Techniques (DEC)演示设计技术(DEC)0分
Industrial Design Techniques (DEC)工业设计技术(DEC)0分
Printing Techniques (DEC)印刷技术(DEC)0分
Documentation Techniques (DEC)文档技术(DEC)0分
Transport Logistics Techniques (AEC)运输物流技术(AEC)0分
Techniques of Transport Logistics (DEC)运输物流技术(DEC)0分
Techniques of plastics (AEC)塑料技术(AEC)0分
Laboratory Techniques (AEC)实验室技术(AEC)0分
Laboratory Techniques (DEC)实验室技术(DEC)0分
Museology Techniques (DEC)博物馆学技术(DEC)0分
Crafts Techniques (DEC)工艺技术(DEC)0分
Physiotherapy Techniques (AEC)物理治疗技术(AEC)0分
Physiotherapy Techniques (DEC)物理治疗技术(DEC)0分
Chemical Process Techniques (AEC)化学工艺技术(AEC)0分
Television production and post-production techniques (AEC)电视制作和后期制作技术(AEC)0分
Television production and post-production techniques (DEC)电视制作和后期制作技术(DEC)0分
Dental prosthesis techniques (DEC)牙科修复技术(DEC)0分
Fire Safety Techniques (AEC)消防安全技术(AEC)0分
Fire Safety Techniques (DEC)消防安全技术(DEC)0分
Tourism Techniques (AEC)旅游技术(AEC)0分
Social Work Techniques (AEC)社会工作技能(AEC)0分
Social Work (DEC)社会工作(DEC)0分
Natural Environment Techniques (DEC)自然环境技术(DEC)0分
Adventure Tourism Techniques (AEC)探险旅游技术(AEC)0分
Adventure Tourism Techniques (DEC)探险旅游技术(DEC)0分
Legal Techniques (AEC)法律技术(AEC)0分
Police techniques (AEC)警察技术(AEC)0分
Police techniques (DEC)警察技术(DEC)0分
Professional Music and Song Techniques (AEC)专业音乐和歌曲技巧(AEC)0分
Professional Music and Song Techniques (DEC)专业音乐和歌曲技巧(DEC)0分
Biomedical Analysis Technology (AEC)生物医学分析技术(AEC) 
Biomedical Analysis Technology (DEC)生物医学分析技术(DEC)0分
Naval Architecture Technology (DEC)海军建筑技术(DEC)0分
Building Estimation and Evaluation Technology (AEC)建筑评估和评估技术(AEC)0分
Building Estimation and Evaluation Technology (DEC)建筑评估和评估技术(DEC)0分
Industrial Electronics Technology (AEC)工业电子技术(AEC)0分
Horticultural Production and Environment Technology (DEC)园艺生产与环境技术(DEC)0分
Pharmaceutical Production Technology (AEC)制药生产技术(AEC)0分
Aquatic Product Processing Technology (DEC)水产品加工技术(DEC)0分
Forest Products Processing Technology (CED)林产品加工技术(CED)0分
Civil Engineering Technology (AEC)土木工程技术(AEC)0分
Forest Technology (DEC)林业技术(DEC)0分
Mineral Technology (AEC)矿物技术(AEC)0分
Cellulose Processing Technologies (DEC)纤维素加工技术(DEC)0分
Theater-Production (DEC)戏剧制作(DEC)0分
secondary professional level中等职业水平 
Manual felling and logging (DEP)手动伐木和伐木(DEP)0分
Sharpening (DEP)锐化(DEP)0分
Forest management (DEP)森林管理(DEP)0分
Aquaculture (DEP)水产养殖(DEP)0分
Arboriculture-pruning (DEP)树木修剪(DEP)0分
Surveying and topography (DEP)测量和地形(DEP)0分
Dental Assistance (DEP)牙科援助(DEP)0分
Jewelery and jewelery (DEP)珠宝(DEP)0分
Bricklaying masonry (DEP)砌砖(DEP)0分
Debit timber classification (DEP)借方木材分类(DEP)0分
Accounting (DEP)会计(DEP)0分
Driving of construction equipment (DEP)施工设备驾驶(DEP)0分
Driving of Nordic Construction Equipment (DEP)北欧施工设备驾驶(DEP)0分
Operation of ore processing machines (DEP)矿石加工机械的操作(DEP)0分
Clothing Making (tailoring) (DEP)服装制作(裁缝)(DEP)0分
Manufacture of clothing and leather goods (DEP)服装和皮革制品生产(DEP)0分
Tailoring and retouching (DEP)剪裁和修饰(DEP)0分
Pattern drawing (DEP)图案绘制(DEP)0分
Interior decoration and visual presentation (DEP)室内装饰和视觉呈现(DEP)0分
Nordic Building Maintenance (DEP)北欧建筑维护(DEP)0分
General building maintenance (DEP)一般建筑维护(DEP)0分
Mineral extraction (DEP)矿物提取(DEP)0分
Manufacture of metal structures and worked metals (DEP)金属结构和加工金属的制造(DEP)0分
Furniture Finish (DEP)家具饰面(DEP)0分
Floristry (DEP)花艺(DEP)0分
Watch and jewelery (DEP)钟表和珠宝(DEP)0分
Horticulture and Garden (DEP)园艺与园艺工作(DEP)0分
Printing (DEP)印刷(DEP)0分
Infographic (DEP)信息图(DEP)0分
Fire safety intervention (DEP)消防安全干预(DEP)0分
Power line assembly (DEP)电缆和电路组件(DEP)0分
Structural and Architectural Installation (DEP)结构和建筑安装(DEP)0分
Marine mechanics (DEP)海洋力学(DEP)0分
Photography (DEP)摄影(DEP)0分
Horticultural Production (DEP)园艺生产(DEP)0分
Protection and exploitation of wildlife territories (DEP)保护和开发野生动植物领土(DEP)0分
Pulp and Paper – Operations (DEP)纸浆和纸张-操作(DEP)0分
Professional fishing (DEP)专业捕鱼(DEP)0分
Craft padding (DEP)工艺填充(DEP)0分
Industrial padding (DEP)工业填充(DEP)0分
Realization of landscaping (DEP)园林绿化的实现(DEP)0分
Appliance Repair (DEP)家电维修(DEP)0分
Repair of Audiovideos Electronic Devices (DEP)音像电子设备维修(DEP)0分
Sawing (DEP)锯切(DEP)0分
Secretariat (DEP)秘书处(DEP)0分
Locksmithing (DEP)锁匠(DEP)0分
Office Equipment Technical Service (DEP)办公设备技术服务(DEP)0分
Stone Size (DEP)石材尺寸(DEP)0分
Silvicultural work (DEP)造林工作(DEP)0分
Precision Sheet Metal (DEP)精密钣金(DEP)0分
Sale of hardware products (DEP)五金产品销售(DEP)0分
Electricity (DEP)电力(DEP)0分



魁北克技术移民认可的法语考试有7种,包括:TEF, TEFAQ, TEF Canada, TCF, TCFQ, DELF and DALF,其中 TEF Canada,因为既可以用于魁北克也可以用于加拿大联邦的项目,如果是只针对魁北克移民,可以考虑 TEFAQ 或 TCFQ 考试。

魁北克技术移民法语加分也是B2以上才加分,听说加分高(B2单项5分,两个B2 10分,C1单项6分,两个C1 12分,C2单项7分,两个C2 14分),读写加分低(最高单项1分,B2以上才加分),配偶有法语加分(听说B2单项加2分,听说C1及以上单项加3分,最高6分),但没有英语加分。


申请流程 :

  1. 在Arrima帐户上创建账户,并提交EOI申请,EOI的有效期为12个月;
  2. 如申请人的条件符合移民局规定的邀请标准,则会邀请申请人提交CSQ申请;
  3. 收到邀请后,填写完成CSQ申请表,60天之内递交并支付申请费;
  4. 之后补充递交包括价值观测试通过证书在内的所需资料,邮寄给移民局,以上工作必须在60天之内完成;
  5. 移民局对申请进行审理,符合要求的申请人将收到魁北克甄选证书CSQ;
  6. 获得CSQ后,向联邦递交永居签证PR的申请;
  7. 依次获得档案号,体检邀请和接受背景调查。
  8. 申请获批后,获得贴签信,拿到登陆纸,入境时海关填表申请枫叶卡,PR申请完成。



  • 主申:812加币
  • 配偶:174加币
  • 子女:174加币


 10个人所得税证明及社保原件扫描件提供近5年工作的社保证明和个税证明原件扫描件(不能提供满5年的话,需要做解释 ) 



4纳税证明扫描件近3年的 Notice of Assessments 和/或 Tax Information Slips
6居民身份证明扫描件永居:枫叶卡或IMM1000 扫描件 公民:加拿大护照、公民卡扫描件


1魁省学习证明Certified True Copy加拿大使馆或学校出具的证书的 Certified True Copy
2成绩单Certified True Copy原就读学校开具的成绩单原件或者Certified True Copy
3学习许可、留学签证扫描件原先的学习许可(study permits)及原护照首页及留学签证的扫描件


 5无犯罪证明公证18周岁以上的申请人需要。可能需要先去公证处拿单子,去户籍所在地管辖派出所/人才档案保管处开具证明然后公证办理前先咨询当地公证处 (北京上海都需要先取单子)1年的有效期。如适用
13CSQ通过函原件CSQ上写着Certificatde selection du Quebec, 右下角标注2-Immigration的那份  


5收养证明有收养子女需要民政部(Ministry of Civil Affair)的收养证明