4月 24, 2021


作者 CCIOSG admin

Permanent immigration pilot program for workers in the artificial intelligence, information technologies and visual effects sectors

This pilot program allows you to settle in Québec permanently if you are:

  • a foreign worker or a Québec graduate in artificial intelligence
  • a foreign worker in information technologies and visual effects

This pilot program has come into effect on April 22, 2021, and will close on January 1, 2026.



This program allows for the selection of 550 people per year and their family members, that is, 275 Québec graduates and temporary workers in the artificial intelligence sector and 275 foreign workers in the information technologies and visual effects sector.









You must also:

  • have obtained a diploma that minimally corresponds to a Québec bachelor’s degree;
  • have acquired work experience in a level 0, A or B job according to the National Occupational Classification:
    • on a full-time basis;
    • for a period of at least 24 months over the 60 months preceding submission of your application;



  • have obtained a diploma that minimally corresponds to a Québec master’s or doctoral degree in the 12 months preceding submission of your application;
  • hold or have accepted a job in Québec:
    • on a full-time basis;
    • in the artificial intelligence sector and for which your skills profile allows you to meet the requirements;
    • for which the gross annual salary is at least $75,000 if your employer is established outside the territory of the Metropolitan Montréal Community or at least $100,000 if it is established inside the Metropolitan Montréal Community.


Conditions for Québec graduates

You must:

  • have lived in Québec with the main goal of studying there, for at least half of your study program;
  • have obtained a university diploma issued by a Québec educational institution during the 24 months preceding submission of your application, for completion of:
    • higher specialized studies (DESS);
    • a master’s program;
    • a doctoral program.


  • If you hold a diploma of higher specialized studies (DESS), you must have held a job in Québec:
    • at level 0, A or B according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC);
    • on a full-time basis;
    • for a period of at least 6 months during the 12 months following the date of the end of your study program.
  • hold or have accepted a job in Québec:
    • on a full-time basis;
    • in the artificial intelligence sector and for which your skills profile allows you to meet the requirements.

You are not eligible as a Québec graduate if you hold a scholarship with a clause requiring you to return to your country, unless you have already fulfilled that condition.





In all of these cases, you must also:

  • hold a diploma that minimally corresponds to a Québec diploma of college studies – technical training, or a Québec bachelor’s degree;
  • have held an eligible job:
    • on a full-time basis;
    • for a period of at least 24 months;
    • during the 60 months preceding submission of your application for permanent selection.
  • hold or have accepted an eligible job in Québec:
  • on a full-time basis;
  • for which the hourly wage is equivalent to the maximum wage of the average salary for your occupation. For more information, consult the Emploi Québec 

同时具有专科或本科以上文凭,在提交申请前5年内有24个月全职工作,持有或已经接受一份魁北克全职职位,时薪必须是Emploi Quebec显示的平均薪资的最高值

To be eligible, your job must correspond to one of the following occupations, under the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

  • NOC 2171 – Information systems analyst and consultant
  • NOC 5241 – Graphic designer and illustrator, but only if your job is in the visual effects sector
  • NOC 0213 – Computer and information systems manager
  • NOC 2173 – Software engineer and designer
  • NOC 2133 – Electrical and electronics engineer
  • NOC 5131 – Producer, director, choreographer and related occupations, but only if your job is in the visual effects sector
  • NOC 2174 – Computer programmer and interactive media developer
  • NOC 5225 – Audio and video recording technician, but only if your job is in the visual effects sector
  • NOC 2281 – Computer network technician
  • NOC 2241 – Electrical and electronics engineering technologist and technician
  • 符合要求的职位:
  • 2171 信息系统分析师
  • 5241 视觉效果领域图像设计师
  • 0213计算机和信息系统经理
  • 2133电子及电器工程师
  • 5131视觉领域制片人,导演,编舞及相关职业
  • 2174 电脑程序员或交互媒体开发
  • 5225视觉领域声频及视频记录技术人员
  • 2281电脑网络技师
  • 2241电子及电器工程技师

Francization profile

When you submit an application for permanent selection under the Francization profile, you must sign a francization agreement.

If you are selected under the Francization profile, you will be automatically registered with the Integration service for immigrants, Accompagnement Québec. The purpose of this measure is to support your learning of French and your integration into Québec society.

